The VISION Model

Vision (vizh’an) n. 1. An imagined idea or a goal toward which one aspires. For me, having a vision for the future, how you would like things to be, is pivotal to being able to make and sustain change. And throughout the coaching journey, the words of Joel A.Barker ...

Changeopsis Approach to Coaching

12 Signs you are working with a coach! But what is it like working with a coach? As with any new relationship in work and life, starting a new coaching relationship can have an element of uncertainty surrounding it. Often my clients have questions like what type of...

A Note on Change

There are pretty much only 3 things that are certain in life: death, taxes and change. The world around us is moving at a fast pace. The rapid development and changes we have witnessed in technology in the past few decades are testament to that. With this rapid...
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